The CES Pilates Mat training and certificate testing with June Kahn – June Kahn, internationally recognized fitness leader and educator, takes you step-by-step through a carefully designed Pilates Mat program for cancer patients and survivors. You will learn specific Pilates exercises that will help your client to correct muscle imbalances and range of motion limitations following cancer surgery and treatment. This course includes the 95 page handbook as well as accompanying video modules and a 50-question examination. You must get 80% or better on the examination to receive your certificate of completion. This is not a certification or advanced qualification course. You will receive a certificate of completion.
The CES Pilates Mat program was developed by June Kahn, internationally recognized fitness leader and 2009 World IDEA Instructor of the Year, former Reebok World Master Trainer, and ACE, AFAA, & ACSM certified health & fitness instructor, along with Andrea Leonard, 35-year cancer survivor and PFP 2019 Personal Trainer of the Year, author of “Essential Exercises for Breast Cancer Survivors,” NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, and President/Founder of the Cancer Exercise Training Institute.
June and Andrea provide a Pilates-based rehabilitative exercise program that will help to improve the patient’s ability to cope with the mental and physical stress following cancer diagnosis and treatment.
As a fitness professional you will learn how to develop a unique and individualized exercise program using a Pilates-based approach and the CETI training methodology.
You will receive a certificate of completion for the Pilates Mat Course.
You must complete the CES Advanced Qualification in order to receive your Advanced Qualification as a Cancer Exercise Specialist.
This is not a certification or advanced qualification course.
To help you obtain CEU’s from other organizations, please download forms below:
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